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Accessibility Center
for individuals with disabilities
at the University of Thessaly

Frequently Asked Questions for students with disabilities

  1. Who can register for the Accessibility Center for individuals with disabilities at the University of Thessaly at the University of Thessaly?

All students of all Departments of the University of Thessaly from all five cities (Volos, Larisa, Trikala, Karditsa, Lamia) can register for the Accessibility Center, if they identify with any of the disabilities, health concerns or injuries below. A diagnosis of a disability (from a public entity) is requested to receive academic accommodations:

  •  Specific learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysorthographia, dyscalculia etc.).
  •  Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD/ADD)
  •  Sensory disabilities (vision disability, deafness/hard of hearing, deafblindness)
  •  Physical disabilities
  •  Speech and language disabilities
  •  Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)
  •  Chronic health problems (cancer, diabetes, heart disease etc.)

(Law 3699/2008 (Government Gazette 199-A-2-10-2008) Special Education and Training of Persons with Disabilities or Special Educational Needs)

  1. Why should I register for Accessibility Center?

If you face accessibility barriers during lectures and/or exams, you can benefit from accommodations to promote your equal participation in all facets of the academic life.

  1. Is registering for Accessibility Center mandatory for students with disabilities and/or specific learning disabilities?

Your registration in Accessibility Center is only required if you face accessibility barriers during lectures/labs or during the exam process and you need accommodations.

  1. When is the registration period?

The registration period starts at (or before) the beginning of each semester begin.

5. How can I register for the Accessibility Center?

To register for Accessibility Center follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit our website  prosvasi.uth.gr

Step 2: Complete the Registration Form and attach your  disability document(s)

Step 3: Book an appointment with the Accessibility Center’s staff either in person in the cities of Volos and Larissa or remotely via Microsoft Teams: https://prosvasi.uth.gr/el/αρχική/ραντεβού

6. Do I need to register every semester?

Your registration is performed once.

  1. Can I request a cancellation of my registration for the Accessibility Center?

If you don’t want to be registered, you can request to be deregistered at any time, but cannot take advantage of any accommodations or services that the Accessibility Center offers. For your de-registration please send us a formal request at: prosvasi@uth.gr

  1. Is the meeting with the Accessibility Center’s staff a formal assessment procedure?

Meetings with the Accessibility Center’s staff is not a formal assessment process. They rather aim to investigate the needs of each individual SwD taking under consideration the nature of one’s courses, the needs of adult life, having in mind your support and autonomy and discuss the Individualized Plan of Needs and Support and its implementation. 

9.What is the Individualized Plan of Needs and Support?

The Individualized Plan of Needs and Support is a document composed by the Accessibility Center after the process of recording your needs. It includes detailed information about each SwD’s functionality, the obstacles they face in all aspects of their academic life, suggestions for accommodations during lectures as well as their assessment. These suggestions are based on each individual SwD’s profile, each course’s needs and international practices to ensure equal participation in the educational process for SwD.

10. What is the process of updating my needs?

After your registration for the Accessibility Center, it is advised that you book a new appointment with us each semester, in order to discuss your needs as they form during the semester and taking into account your courses as well as other factors (like age) that may lead to changes in your Individualized Plan of Needs and Support.

  1. Is my letter of accommodation valid throughout my studies? 

Your Individualized Plan of Needs and Support is valid throughout your studies at the University of Thessaly. Due to potential changes to your needs during your studies, you may need to book an appointment to update your Individualized Plan of Needs and Support accordingly.

  1. What diagnostic documents are valid for registration?

While filling the registration form for the Accessibility Center, found on our website, you will need to attach your diagnostic document(s) that must be from a public healthcare provider. 

  1. What is a disability document?

A disability document is one that certifies your disabilities and/or specific educational needs (i.e. educational records such as a high school accommodation plan, medical records, vocational assessment, audiology record etc.). 

  1. In case I do not have a diagnostic document, where can I acquire one?

From public institutions and organizations specializing in adult disability assessment.

  1. I have a disability document from a private health care provider. Is it valid?

No. Such a document should come from a public institution/organization in order to complete your registration.

  1. I graduated from Cyprus. I only have a document with the accommodations I received at school. Is it valid?

You should request a document from your Regional Council (Provincial Councils of Special Education) where you were assessed and forward to us that document (educational assessment from your school psychologist).

  1. I need support during the lectures. What can I do about that?

If you need support during your lectures you should be registered for the Accessibility Center and request it during the meeting for the assessment of your needs, and attend your lectures systematically. The Accessibility Center can then provide you with support during classes.

  1. I need support with my transportation from and to my classes. What can I do about that?

You have to complete the Transportation Request Form (https://forms.gle/UMF5B51nGkdhToUt6)

  1. How can I book an appointment with the Accessibility Center?

You can book an appointment with the Accessibility Center following the link: https://prosvasi.uth.gr/el/αρχική/ραντεβού

  1. Is the meeting with the Accessibility Center in person or remote?

The meetings can be arranged to be either in person, in our offices in Volos and Larissa, or remotely using Microsoft Teams.

  1. Can I bring my parents/guardian with me at an appointment?

During our appointment, we would like to hear about the difficulties you face the way you experience them. Nonetheless, if you have issues regarding your communication/verbal expression or if you are underage, they can accompany you as long as they do not interfere with or interrupt the process.

  1. Do I need to send my Individualized Plan of Needs and Support to my lecturers? 

It is very important that you send your Individualized Plan of Needs and Support to your lecturers whose classes you attend and keep in touch with them systematically so that they learn more about your needs and make the necessary accommodations their lectures and the exam period.

  1. What support services does the Accessibility Center provide?

You can review the Accessibility Center’s services on our website: prosvasi.uth.gr 

  1. Using the mixed assessment method, can I turn in a blank page?

Written exam: You come to the written exam area together with your fellow students and are examined in written or multiple choice questions.

Oral: You come directly to the oral exam area, without any time for written preparation, and you are examined orally in the same or different subjects from the written exam.

Written and oral exam (mixed method): You come to the written exam area together with your fellow students so that you have time to prepare, think and record your answers. You can use all the time provided for the written exam. Afterwards, you are examined orally on the same subjects in a separate area, having the possibility to see and consult your written responses/notes as you answer the professor’s questions. Only your oral answers are taken into account in the grading.

25. Can I take the exam on another day because the day of the exam for the particular course does not suit me?

Only in case of serious reasons such as hospitalization etc., you can inform the lecturer and the department’s administration office via email to discuss the possibility of taking the exam another day. 

26. Can I be assessed remotely?

No. Remote exams were taken only during the pandemic or emergency situations that require it.

27. What if I am absent from required courses for medical reasons?

You can inform us so that we can then inform your lecturers about it. 

28. Can I take an exam for a certain course in a specific way (i.e verbally etc.) and be assessed differently on other courses?

No. The impact of your disability in educational procedures refers to all your courses.

29. Can I not participate in written exams and instead be assessed by turning in project/assignment paper? 

Only in case the lecturer provides to all students the opportunity to be assessed in the same way by turning in a project/assignment paper.

30. Due to my working status I cannot attend some classes. Can a volunteer take notes for me?

The support of a SwD from a volunteer requires that you attend all classes that you need notes for. Taking notes is a personal matter and requires coordination between the volunteer and the SwD so that the notes contain all information needed.

31. Can I be assessed on reduced syllabus material?

You can be examined on the same syllabus material as students without disabilities. You can request from the Accessibility Center to be trained on methods for organizing your syllabus material and for effective studying methods that suit your needs.

32. Can I request that the suggested method of assessment be changed in my letter of recommendation?

You can request and substantiate a change to your method of assessment, provided you do that promptly (at least 1 month before the exam period) so that your lecturers are informed.

33. What can I do in case a lecturer declines to examine me with the method of assessment suggested by the Accessibility Center?

You can show him/her your Individualized Plan of Needs and Support, which you should carry with you, and express your needs. If needed, you can contact us directly.

34. Other than my disabilities and/or specific educational needs I’m facing mental health or psychological problems. Who can I call upon for support? 

You can contact the Student Counseling Service of the University of Thessaly.

35. Can I stop receiving a specific accommodation but still remain registered in the Accessibility Center?

Yes, you can. If you choose not to receive the Accessibility Center’s services you have to inform us with an email at prosvasi@uth.gr

36. Can my parent/guardian contact you?

The Accessibility Center respecting the existing legislation for the protection of personal data, communicates directly with you and not with your parents/guardians or other persons.