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Accessibility Center
for individuals with disabilities
at the University of Thessaly

Commitee of Equal Access for People with Disabilities and People with Special Educational Needs

 Committee of Equal Access for People with Disabilities and People with Special Educational Needs consists of nine (9) members of UTH. The responsibilities as defined by Law 4957/2022 are as follows:

  1. preparation and submission for approval to the Rector of the University of a proposal for equal access of people with disabilities and people with special educational needs at the University, which includes the technical and non-technical measures of equal access proposed and the timetable for their implementation, as well as recommendations for their improvement
  2. submission of proposals to the Rector for the conclusion of public contracts for the supply of goods or the provision of services necessary for the implementation of the plan in paragraph a.
  3. design and implementation of programs, actions, seminars, informative events, and other related activities and initiatives, in collaboration with public or social bodies, with the aim of raising the awareness of academic and administrative staff, as well as students, regaridng equal access of persons with disabilities and persons with special educational needs in tertiary education
  4. preparation of studies and the establishment of sub-committees or groups that support the work of the Commission for the more effective exercise of its powers, such as groups of volunteers
  5. preparation of a draft internal regulation to ensure equal access for disabled people and people with special educational needs and submitting it to the Senate for approval
  6. any other authority specified in the internal regulations of UTH and falls within the scope of the Commission.


You can see the list of PROSVASI Committee’s members (PDF file and DOCX document):

Committee of the Accessibility Center for individuals with disabilities (PDF file)

Committee of the Accessibility Center for individuals with disabilities (Word document)