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Accessibility Center
for individuals with disabilities
at the University of Thessaly

Accessible books

Step 1

You must complete the application entitled Application for accessible books.  You can find information regarding the titles and authors of the suggested books from the lecturers whose classes you are attending.

Step 2

Accessibility Center informs the Library of the University of Thessaly about your request and sends all the necessary information for the suggested books.

Step 3

The library searches for the books, digitizes them, and uploads them to AMELIB (electronic library of accessible files) in PDF and EPUB or Word files and informs you about the completion of the process.

Step 4

If you need help navigating through the AMELIB platform and using EPUB files, you can contact the library.

Step 5

In case you wish to make additional adjustments to the electronic books provided by the library, you must contact Accessibility Center, and provide us with the digitized book. See Accessible educational material.